الرئيسية » أرشيف الوسم : aldehyde

أرشيف الوسم : aldehyde

تفاعل كانيزارو Cannizzaro Reaction

تفاعل كانيزارو Cannizzaro Reaction : تفاعل الألدهيدات لتعطي حموضا كربوكسيلية و كحولات . يحدث هذا التفاعل في وجود قاعدة قوية مع ألدهيد لا يحتوي على ذرات هيدروجين ألفا ( أي ألدهيد لا يحتوي على CH3 بجانب C=O ) . فمثلا يعطي البنزلدهيد حمض البنزويك و الكحول البنزيلي : 2C6H5CHO → C6H5COOH + C6H5CH2OH أما الألدهيدات التي تحتوي على ذرات هيدروجين …

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Aldol reaction

A reaction in which two molecules of aldehyde combine to give an aldol – i.e. a compound containing both aldehyde and alcohol functional groups. The reaction is base-catalyzed; the reaction of ethanal refluxed with sodium hydroxide gives: 2CH3CHO → CH3CH(OH)CH2CHO The mechanism is similar to that of the Claisen condensation: the first step is removal of a proton to give …

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A geminal diether (R1 = H). Ketals, considered a subclass of acetals, are also geminal diethers (R1 = C, aliphatic or aromatic). Acetals are (1) independent structural units or a part of certain biological and commercial polymers, (2) blocking or protect­ing groups for complex molecules undergoing selective synthetic transformations, and (3) entry compounds for independent organic chemical reactions. Acetals are …

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Compounds formed by reaction between hydroxylamine and an aldehyde RCOH + H2NOH → RCH:NOH + H2O  If R is an aliphatic group, the al­doxime is generally a liquid or low ­melting solid. If R is aromatic, the aldoxime is a crystalline solid. Al­doximes have a planar structure and can exist in two isomeric forms. In the syn-form, the OH group …

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